Do Tell Story Swap
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Do Tell Story Swap meets every SECOND TUESDAY of the month from 7 pm to 9 pm via Zoom.

Next Do Tell Story Swa​p is December 10, 2024 

Please join us for fun and friendship at Do Tell Story Swap. We invite storytellers and listeners to enjoy this age old tradition of sharing stories of all kinds.

Stories are told and not read. No topic is required. They should be between 5-7 minutes. Longer stories as time allows. Sign up to tell when entering the Zoom Swap.

To receive a Zoom link, please email with your request or questions. 
Video of past Swaps are posted for your enjoyment and review. Sponsored by the Storytelling Association of California (SAC). 

Do Tell Story Swap Playlist.
Do Tell Story Swap 
Virtual via Zoom in 2024
Storytelling for adults & teens
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 from 7 to 9 pm
There are times when being able to talk to an experienced storyteller would help us take our storytelling to the next level. It may be simply getting a better idea of how to structure our story, make it more engaging, or practice and iron out rough spots. 

And then there are questions: How do you find a story, build a personal story from scratch, or find your ideal audience? 

We know these and many more topics would be great to explore with another teller. 

So we invite you to join us at Office Hours!

How does it work?

You will sign up for a specific 30-minute time slot.

Send an email to prior to the Thursday before the Office Hours or as soon as possible to get a good time slot for yourself. This gives us time to bring in an "expert" if needed. For example, if there were questions about folktales, we could ask Beth Wakelee if she was able to join us. 

Times are assigned first come first serve. We will confirm your “appointment” and send you a Zoom link. 

Please include information about your questions, or if you are practicing a story, what the genre of your story is. By registering for this you will have an individual opportunity to discuss your interest specifically or to tell your story in a safe and non-judgmental space.

At Do Tell Story Swap we want to help you join this community more fully and enjoy your experience of telling your stories. Please direct any questions about this to the email above. 

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
The main goal of Tellabration!TM is to introduce new listeners to storytelling. The event brings people together and shares the power and joy of storytelling. 

Check out the tellers' BIOS here.